Today I’m going to be reviewing a really cool web app called NeedToMeet.
So let’s start by setting up a situation. Imagine it’s Monday morning and you’re ready to start a fresh week of work/school. You have a general idea of how your time is going to be blocked out but a few of your students/clients want to set up meetings with you. Not that big of a deal, but then Johnny Noname and Susie Watsherface overhear and want to participate as well. Next thing you know you’re reliving Algebra class trying to coordinate when the best time for everyone to meet is.
Enter NeedToMeet.com
Setup is real easy, all you have to do is enter a title, meeting length and a location then press the OK button. Select the time from the calendar and then press create meeting. Then all you have to do is send out the link to the targeted attendees and wait for the result to populate.
My three favorite things about this tool are:
1. It incorporates Google Maps, so you can see where the meeting is actually taking place.
2. At any point in time you can go in and edit the settings of your availability.
3. It’s free and no download is required.
Three things I would have liked to see from this app are:
1. Mobile support
2. Browse feature so you could see open events
3. Profiles to keep track of your meetings and get feedback
Overall I give this tool a 3.5/5.
I like how you made a whole scenario around this particular web tool, lol. This is a great way to connect with new clients and keep up with old ones. I definitely enjoyed reading this one. For some one who has a hard time keeping a schedule, this is a good one.